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      S.ol.ver is the professional abbreviation for Sallie Oliver, a communications expert at Technology & Services Industry Association. With experience spanning across North Carolina, New York, San Francisco, and San Diego, I bring an agile approach to my work. 


      I've had the amazing opportunity to travel and/or solo backpack across the United States, Spain, Canada, Germany, Italy, England, China, and Taiwan where I learned resilience and gained a global perspective.


     Formal education is important, yet I'm also a big believer in life experience too. For instance, in my early career in San Francisco I helped manage an international hostel while simultaneously balancing roles at a global tech company during the week and an art museum on the weekends. I've found the best and most challenging part of communications is ensuring alignment across departments and audiences, which is why I'm grateful to have experience in different backgrounds. 


     My family is entrepreneurial in multiple industries and they are my biggest sources of inspiration everyday.




Exploring emerging technologies, sharing information, and building community. 




  • AI for Business Specialization, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business

  • Global Business, Harvard Business School

  • Prompt Engineering, Vanderbilt Unversity

  • Agile Hybrid Project Pro, Project Management Institute

  • Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies, Duke University​




  • Masters of Science in Technology Candidate, University of San Diego's Shiley Marcos School of Engineering

  • Bachelors of Science in Art Management, Appalachian State University with credits transferred from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Randolph A. Johnson scholarship

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